
Druga wersja beta Kadu 0.11.0

Ostatnia aktualizacja: 14 września 2023, 00:11

Druga wersja testowa Kadu 0.11.0 została wydana! Dlatego zachęcam do testowania i zgłaszania uwag, które są pomocne w rozwijaniu tego popularnego komunikatora.

Opis zmian:

  • gui: #2192 fixed: added option to hide main window from taskbar on Windows (beevvy)
  • gui: #1767 fixed: show know buddies in „Open Chat” window first (Vogel)
  • gui: #2232 fixed: update status of „Myself” buddy only after successfull connection (Vogel)
  • mprisplayer: #1954 fixed: update MPRIS support to version 2 (Vogel)
  • mediaplayer: #1558 fixed: inserting song file name instead of title in polish version (Vogel)
  • mediaplayer: #2358 fixed: menu items for mediaplayer change positions after configuration save (Vogel)
  • gadu: #2159 fixed: do not notify about status change just after adding new buddy (Vogel)
  • tabs: #1701 fixed: sometimes it was not possible to scroll to tab with new message (Vogel)
  • syntax: #2236 fixed: changed „default” infopanel syntax name to „Old Default” (beevvy)
  • core: #2138 fixed: properly store Kadu in session manager (Vogel)
  • gadu: #2230 fixed: show warning when enabling „Show my status to everyone” if there is any „Offline to” buddy (Vogel)
  • protocols: #2231 fixed: send new status every time user wants it, not only when it changed (Vogel)
  • word_fix: #2235 fixed: only replace words inside body element (Vogel)
  • gui: #2278 fixed: smaller default window sizes (Vogel)
  • gui: #2279 fixed: smaller delete buddy window (Vogel)
  • jabber: #2096 fixed: reply with correct message type depend on type used in chat (Juzef)
  • gui: #2344 fixed: added missing actions in buddy search window (Juzef)
  • gui: #1827 fixed: do not display identity name on contact list if there is only one used identity (beevvy, Juzef)
  • qt4_docking: #2260 fixed: end tray tooltip with ellipsis if truncated on Windows (beevvy)
  • chat styles: #2351 fixed: problems with displaying messages in Modern Bubbling (Compact) and SimpleStuff (Vogel)
  • gtalk: #2289 fixed: fixed connection with GTalk by proxy (Juzef)
  • jabber: #2283 fixed: do not crash when peer does not support file transfers (Vogel)

Zauważone błędy należy zgłaszać w systemie kadu.im/redmine, natomiast propozycje zmian na kadu.im/forum w odpowiednim dziale.

Źródła dostępne są na serwerach:

  • kadu.googlecode.com/files/kadu-0.11.0-beta2.tar.bz2
  • sourceforge.net/projects/kadu/files/kadu/0.11.0/kadu-0.11.0-beta2.tar.bz2/download
  • download.kadu.im/unstable/kadu-0.11.0-beta2.tar.bz2

Suma kontrolna dla źródeł:

  • download.kadu.im/unstable/kadu-0.11.0-beta2.tar.bz2.md5
  • download.kadu.im/unstable/kadu-0.11.0-beta2.tar.bz2.sha1

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